This is where we review games, music and videos

You will have to exuse the quality of the pictures on this page as I would be invalidating copyright laws if I used the real pictures produced by the games companies. It least it gives you a chance to laugh at my expense!

We will start of with one of my favourite games


This game is available on Mac, Windows or DOS and costs around £30

The idea of the game is to colonise the world conquering other civilisations and fighting historic battles. Meanwhile you must try to discover new technologies to make better weapons and living easier for your population. But to make sure your population don't leave you or go on riot marches you must increase luxuries. However this costs money and the people don't like paying tax!! If you often hear people cursing and shouting things like "Arggg what should I do!!??" while frantically kicking the computer and holding their head, they are probably a new civilisation player!! This game can be very difficult on the higher levels (and is even a challenge on the lower ones as well!) This is due to the fact that you have control over so many parameters. The game takes you from the start of recorded history to the present day finding new resources and discovering new advances. This is a really good game for anyone who fancies a challenge. Civilisation is not graphically ammazing in any respect (it doesn't need to be!) But the game play is as smooth as it comes and is incredibly absorbing. Play this game for a while and you'l start to get good at it you will also realise the amount of control you actually have in the game. Well done MicroProse!!



Here is another of my favourite games


This is also available on PC or mac. It is also available on other console formats. The aim of the game is to run a successful theme park budgeting and spending, hiring and firing are all in a days work for you the proprietor. As the game progresses you will be able to build bigger and better rides and shops for your punters to spend their money in. With three different difficulty settings anyone from your six year old brother to Carole Vordermann will get a challenge out of the game which will go as fast as you want it to go. The key to succcess in this game is to keep the little people in your park happy with entertainers and good rides. But it's not as easy as it may sound as your fee paying guests often get lost or stuck, or both in between the rides and shops design your park well and the money will come rolling in if you get slack you'll go bankrupt. Happy designing!



Now to a game that I have just got.


This game was avalible on PC a long time before it was out on Mac. This is the sequel to Civilisation (reviewed above) and has been written in much the same style. The idea this time is to set up a colony in the Americas and build it up to become a reputable and economical village. You and a few skilled workers and a lot of western prisoners are sent out in a boat to find new land you must trade with the Indians to become prosperous you may also trade with your own nation (there are a variety to choose from). The Indians tempers may become frayed if you go to near them or attack other tribes near them. This can usually be resolved by giving them gifts or trading with them (although if they are really annoyed they might refuse to trade). After you have been going for a while and have quite a lot of military ships the ultimate task begins Rebellion. Rise up and attack your own nation to try and become a country in your own right, from now on you may not trade with your nation and you will be in full blown war. Good luck.



Now it's time for a shareware review,


Made with the simple game making program, Klick 'n' Play, X-EL-ENT is available for PC through Alba Maxis BBS

It is a simple bat and brick game, where you start off with a bat, and try to stop the ball going down off the bottom of the screen, while destroying the bricks with the ball. It runs in windows, thus meaning that the graphics are superbly slick, and the ball (an animated packman) never slows down. There are many extras such as a little monster which can come out and help or hinder you there is also a great 2 player mode in which a friend can battle it out against you. Add to this that the registration price is free, (although you have to pay £3.50 for some pencil shavings that come with it), it makes an excellent game.



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